Our Vision & Mission

Our baby alanünü is born in Toronto, Canada. Founded by two moms and their best girlfriend, alanünü is dedicated to bringing premium quality bedding products to babies and children, focusing on safety, comfort and style. By using only natural materials such as mulberry silk, cashmere, cotton, linen and bamboo, manufacturing with sustainability and environmental awareness, it is our promise that we pick our products in the way we choose for our own children.

Our belief:


Nothing matters more to us than safety when it comes to the product we choose for our baby and child. That is why, only quality natural materials are used in our product. From top graded mulberry silk, to pure Mongolian cashmere, it is our promise that all the materials we choose are from natural fiber and of premium quality.

We believe in SIMPLICITY.

Less is more. We believe in putting every effort in the quality and detail of our product to make it safe, comfortable and last for longer. No chemicals, no artificial materials, less waste in the process and eco-friendly to our environment. We keep it simple, you enjoy it with a giggle.


We live in an era of fast consumption. Disposables, wastes and chemicals are everywhere. It's not the world we want to for our children. This is why we focus on natural materials and sustainable manufacturing process. We love and care about our environment because we love and care about our children.

We believe in COMMUNITY.

Sharing is caring. We value every one of our customers, suppliers, partners, collaborators, and future investors. alanünü is a brand as well as a community, where we share our love and passion, help and support each other, and grow stronger together.