Sleep sweet, my little one. It's alanünü time...

It all begins from a quiet and cozy winter night,

little one tucked in bed warm and tight;

mama humming a lullaby,

stars twinkle in the sky.


A magic duvet from a whimsical land,

called alanünü's dreamland;

it comes with sparkles and glam,

bringing dream and gleam to its friend.


Then a dream of magic begins,

with giggles and wiggles, grins and spins;

as sound as a nursery rhyme,

as sweet as rosemary and thyme.


It's the time we share and care,

with Blaire, Claire, and our Nünü bear;

It's what we call, alanünü time.

when we bring a smile on your face and you on mine.


Welcome to our world, my dearest friend.